The Healthy Sweet Potato | FlowCast #31 with Jess Dalliday

Jess Dalliday is an entrepreneur, mom, podcast junkie, and the creator of Pilates on Demand and The Healthy Sweet Potato, a popular plant-based foodie blog.

In this information-packed episode, we talk about how Jess found her creative niche and the productivity system that she uses to pump out an incredible amount of top-calibre content.

Whether you’re looking to get in shape, revamp your productivity, or find your creative calling, this podcast episode is too good to miss.

Let’s dive in!

Show Notes:

2:30 - How Jess started blogging and school background

4:30 - Infertility issues

8:30 - how Jess regained her fertility

14:00 - how did Jess find her creative niche?

19:30 - Creativity and flow in non-traditional sources

21:00 - Creative Calling

23:00 - Creating for yourself instead of copying other people

24:45 - Planning out the year

25:15 - Prioritizing your tasks each day

28:45 - Taking a break from Instagram

35:30 - Acknowledge your accomplishments

39:30 - Be realistic with your daily priorities

40:15 - Jess’s planning methods

44:30 - What inspired Jess to start her own business

47:00 - Creating Pilates on Demand

50:00 - Jess’s sources of inspiration

53:00 - Virtual Mentorship

55:30 - Jess’s closing advice


Fertility Story Part 1

Fertility Story Part 2

Creative Calling - Chase Jarvis

Pilates on Demand

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The FlowCast is brought to you by Flow Spa. Flow Spa is Peterborough’s float therapy and sports recovery centre, dedicated to providing the ultimate relaxation experience. Whether you need physical relief from pain or a deep state of mental relaxation and calm or the best methods of recovery from athletic training, Flow Spa is where you can Find Your Flow.


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FlowCast #30 | Becoming a Quiet Leader