Going Online With Yoga | FlowCast #55 with Kierstin Henrickson

This episode of the flow cast features our first guest in the Stay Home series. Kierstin is one the co-owners of Peterborough Yoga and in this conversation we talk about her journey into yoga, diving into entrepreneurship on your own, her current partnership in Peterborough Yoga, as well as ways that you can stay healthy and positive during these different and difficult times.

1:00 - Welcome Kierstin to the show

3:15 - Making fake deadlines for tasks

4:15 - Don't go down the negativity path

6:45 - Kierstin's story to opening Peterborough Yoga

13:00 - Identifying success and struggle with other businesses

14:45 - Admitting difficulties as a business owner is hard

16:15 - It's hard to do it all as a solopreneur

18:00 - Who does the creative work in the Peterborough Yoga business?

21:45 - What's Peterborough Yoga doing during COVID-19 lockdown?

27:00 - The state of online fitness and wellness right now

30:15 - Keeping things going with members during this closure.

32:30 - Emotional status with COVID-19

34:00 - The need for routine

38:30 - Digital minimalism and avoiding negativity

41:30 - News not helping

44:00 - Wim Hof Method and cold plunge talks

44:45 - Changing mindset through breathing or changing your temperature *

52:45 - Look at what you can do for your wellness right now.

55:00 - What you can do right now for wellness if you're stuck at home *

59:00 - Making better use of your social media time. *

1:01:00 - Responsibility to take care of yourself

1:03:15 - Where to find Peterborough Yoga




Address: 107 Hunter Street E #201, Peterborough, ON

This episode of the FlowCast features our first guest in the Stay Home series. Kierstin is one the co-owners of Peterborough Yoga and in this conversation we talk about her journey into yoga, diving into entrepreneurship on your own, her current partnership in Peterborough Yoga, as well as ways that you can stay healthy and positive during these different and difficult times.

1:00 - Welcome Kierstin to the show

3:15 - Making fake deadlines for tasks

4:15 - Don't go down the negativity path

6:45 - Kierstin's story to opening Peterborough Yoga

13:00 - Identifying success and struggle with other businesses

14:45 - Admitting difficulties as a business owner is hard

16:15 - It's hard to do it all as a solopreneur

18:00 - Who does the creative work in the Peterborough Yoga business?

21:45 - What's Peterborough Yoga doing during COVID-19 lockdown?

27:00 - The state of online fitness and wellness right now

30:15 - Keeping things going with members during this closure.

32:30 - Emotional status with COVID-19

34:00 - The need for routine

38:30 - Digital minimalism and avoiding negativity

41:30 - News not helping

44:00 - Wim Hof Method and cold plunge talks

44:45 - Changing mindset through breathing or changing your temperature *

52:45 - Look at what you can do for your wellness right now.

55:00 - What you can do right now for wellness if you're stuck at home *

59:00 - Making better use of your social media time. *

1:01:00 - Responsibility to take care of yourself

1:03:15 - Where to find Peterborough Yoga




Address: 107 Hunter Street E #201, Peterborough, ON

Subscribe to the FlowCast on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-flowcast/id1456647259



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Twitter: https://twitter.com/flowspaon

The FlowCast is brought to you by Flow Spa. Flow Spa is Peterborough’s float therapy and sports recovery centre, dedicated to providing the ultimate relaxation experience. Whether you need physical relief from pain or a deep state of mental relaxation and calm or the best methods of recovery from athletic training, Flow Spa is where you can Find Your Flow.


Flow Under Five - Track Your Stress Levels


Motivation and Accountability During Difficult Times | FlowCast #54