Salty Summer Float Giveaway

The perfect summer oasis is something that we dream of.

Escaping from the hustle and bustle to be at ease and enjoy some R&R.

COVID-19 changed our plans for vacations and cottage getaways though, and this summer has been full of stress for a lot of us.

We’re doing something special as a way to help out with your relaxation this summer. The Salty Summer Giveaway is on now and you can enter to win the grand prize of 3 float sessions, for yourself or to share with your friends and family.

Getting a chance to tune out from all the noise and busyness around you for an hour is as blissful as it comes. 3 times makes it all the better.

Don’t wait because the contest closes soon and by sharing it with your friends you’ll get even more chances to win.

You can enter the contest through this link:

P.S. Everyone wins something! Your first prize starts with just one referral entry into the contest.


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