Do I Need To Be Able To Meditate To Float?

Many people feel hesitant around the float tank because of the idea of sensory deprivation and what you’re supposed to do for an hour with your mind.

It can be daunting to think about going into an hour of solitude to be alone with your thoughts, but many of our clients have no experience with meditation and you don’t have to either.

Let’s talk about some of the experiences of the float tank and why you don’t have to be a good meditator to reap the benefits.

An hour of peace and quiet with no distractions from your thoughts is one of the most nourishing and powerful things we can do for ourselves in today’s day and age.

The float tank is so physically relaxing because you’re supported weightlessly by the Epsom salt solution, that it helps your mind to calm down too.

This is one of the reasons that the float tank works wonders for people in pain as well as for relieving anxiety. Sometimes when your mind can’t shut off and you’re stuck worrying, it can feel like it’s impossible to calm your mind and focus on meditation. By letting yourself float peacefully with calming music or having it fade out to silence you’re able to let your body naturally guide your mind to a calmer state.

Research on float therapy has looked at what our brains do when we’re floating and has found that our brainwaves reach the slow theta state. For the most part, Theta brainwaves usually only show up under two conditions: during REM sleep and in highly experienced meditators. But because of the unique environment of the float tank is so calming and free from external stimuli, our brains are naturally able to reach this deeply rejuvenating and calm state.

Experience float therapy for yourself to see these research-backed benefits. Whether you’re booking in Peterborough at Flow Spa or your closes float centre wherever you are in the world, I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful experience.


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Does The Float Tank Need To Be Sensory Deprivation?