Why Floating Makes The Perfect Resolution Wingman - Sticking To Your Goals in 2022

It might seem like New Year’s resolutions are often made for the sole sake of not sticking to them.

Many people joke about how their resolution for the new year is to not break their resolutions. And as funny as it may be to hold so much value to a particular time of year when it comes to goal setting, it’s also very clear that the challenge is real when we see all those new gym members dropping off from their workout plans 6 weeks into the New Year.

What it comes down to is that we need to place more intention into our goals as well as think about what we can do to help support us on our journey.

Getting strategic with using tools and different methods is one way to help with sticking to your resolutions. It’s human nature to revert back to the habits we already have in place, whether they are good or bad, so turning to solutions outside of our own willpower will be helpful.

Think about what your preferred method for keeping track of notes is. Do you like the traditional feel of putting pen to paper? Or do you thrive in the digital world to keep your todos all organized? Try using a journal or your calendar to help you plan the actions to take that will keep you working towards your goals.

One particularly helpful practice when it comes to reinforcing new behaviours and breaking bad habits is float therapy. Behaviour change was one of the initial inspirations for Dr. John C. Lily, the inventory of the first float tanks. Dr. Lily wrote several books on using float tanks to reprogram your brain. Floating is a great way to get deep recovery across all six aspects of our health. We dramatically reduce stress and anxiety through floating, get a chance to escape from all the noise and busyness of our lives, and also go deep on self-reflection and visualization of our future best self.

Reflecting on your goals and seeing the path forward from where you are to where you want to be is one of the keys to success.

Without planning and learning along the winding path that is goal setting, we are bound to repeat the same mistakes. And when you look deeply at your goals and uncover the core values that drive those goals, you come to find more harmony with the aspects of your existential health and live in alignment with your deeper purpose. This will ultimately also help you in seeing your goals and resolutions get fulfilled.

Self-reflection and visualization are two of the common reasons that regular floaters come in for float sessions, because the float tank is such an ideal place for those practices. Without external distractions and in a perfectly comfortable state, your mind is able to wander and also direct its attention to things that we often miss out on during the chaos of our days, like thinking about New Year’s resolutions and goals and what they mean to you.

And because of the physical and mental benefits of floating, incorporating wellness practices like floating into our routine can relieve the stress and anxiety that often is an obstacle in our way of achieving big goals. By finding better balance with stress levels and practicing deep recovery, we will find the energy and drive we need to take the steps towards making real changes in our lives.

Research continues to show how important it is to give ourselves a time out and disconnect from the constant demands of our lives. It just takes some purposeful planning to make it happen.

Floating may be the perfect way to escape the stress but even 10-15 minutes of calm breathing can help us to manage stress better, improve focus, and lower blood pressure, all of which can help us towards greater health changes.

It might seem like by simply declaring our resolutions at the start of a new year that you’ll be able to effortlessly follow through to make it happen but reworking the patterns that are we are used it is a challenge. It’s important to use whatever practices and tools you can to stay on track. Use a journal or calendar to plan out the actions you’ll take to work towards your goal, start your day mindfully with some breathing or get outside for a walk, and, of course, schedule some time to float regularly.


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