Reflecting on 2 Years at Flow Spa

We’ve made it to Year 2.

It’s been a wild journey as everyone can appreciate what’s happened in the past year.

This time last year I was having fun making a day in the life of a float centre owner video. Everything was rosey and great as we made progress each month all the way up to year one.

The momentum train was rolling and it felt like business was picking up.

Then a week later, we started to hear reports about COVID-19 become more than just some bug a few people had. There was talk that the whole country would be shut down.

And a week after that, I watched Trudeau make that announcement and my mind rebelled at the thought of Flow Spa having to close after all the traction we had just built.

I didn’t want to close the doors.

But people were also being responsible and starting to stay home and stay away.

So we entered into a strange season where the business was shuttered. I took my passion for helping others and wellness online and started to share strategies for staying well at home when your favourite stress-busters and recovery and mindfulness practices weren’t available for a while.

The vision for finding your flow stayed the same but the mission looked a bit different as we couldn’t float or meet up in person.

And so the year 2 was a roller coaster like that. Several months of no activity at all in the spa. Followed by a few months of regaining traction and things looking very good again. And then entering into lockdown yet again for another six weeks to once again lose some momentum.

Everyone talks about the long-term vision needed when starting a business. Unfortunately there’s no game plan for when a pandemic strikes a startup.

All I know is that what we do at Flow Spa makes a significant difference to the well-being of our community. People need floating when all other options for pain relief and anxiety and stress reduction aren’t the right solution for them.

The science behind why floating works is rock solid and that’s what caught my attention so much from the beginning. I’m all in for what works and is validated by science. Stillness is the key to it and since we don’t give ourselves enough of that in this on-demand world we live in, there is an essential space available for float centres to offer up that much-needed escape from it all.

So while it’s unclear how many times we’ll be sent back into lockdown, we will keep striving on this journey because as I see floaters every day come out at ease and with a sense of stillness that wasn’t there an hour earlier, I know that what Flow Spa is doing is grounded in actually making a difference for many people.

And so whether you like floating or not, even in these challenging times I hope that you can continue to seek progress in yourself with your wellness, and passions, and continue to Dream On and Find Your Flow.


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