Peterborough Float Tanks Update

This past month took a lot of overcoming inertia to get the ball rolling but now that we’ve got things going speed is picking up. 

A lot of detail and planning must go into the commercial building permit process and now that’s squared away and we can start to make more dramatic progress towards opening. 

The most exciting news though in this progress update is that the tanks have been ordered and our timeline to opening is starting to close in!

Most float tank manufacturers build to order their products and so getting these tanks ordered as soon as we possibly could was important for keeping on track with our goal to getting open as soon as possible. 

Here’s a little bit of information on each type of float tank that we are going to have a Flow Spa so that you can start to think about which one you’ll want to have your first float in:

float pod Peterborough

Pure Flow by Float Pod

This futuristic looking float pod has the aesthetic to make it inviting to all types of floaters, including those who are new to floating. 

This Pod provides a more cozy sensory deprivation experience but has all the features included for if you prefer to start out with some lights or audio keeping you company. The lid may also remain open if you start out feeling claustrophobic. 

Many first-time floaters looking to document their experience on social media love the Pure Flow for its attractive and modern look to accentuate their Instagram or Facebook feed. 

float tank cabin

Pro Float Cabin

In addition to the Pure Flow we will have two Pro Float Cabins are Flow Spa. These cabins are extra spacious which provides a great experience for athletes and bigger individuals who just want more room to stretch out and move around in.

I personally prefer the Pro Float Cabin because of the extra space that I have in it to stretch out. While I still fit in various pods and tanks, I like the extra space granted to me when floating in a cabin.

This is another great starting point for someone who may be a little claustrophobic or just want more space because of the height and width of the Pro Float Cabin. The door can also remain open on these cabins and there is optional audio and LED lights to accompany you. 

We’ll be sure to provide you with more information in the coming weeks as we document our journey to getting open at Flow Spa.

If you’re interested in learning more about the science of floating and meditation, the blog on our website is the place to go. We will continue to put out new content every week or so and will send out occasional newsletters with links to the articles so that you can stay informed. 


What Is Floating?


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